48 hour film competition

Write, shoot + edit a film in only 48 hours this September 20-22nd.

Form a team or go it alone, with over $1500 in prizes including $1000 to the “Best 48 Hour Film”, register for our biggest 48 hour competition today.

The 48 Hour Film Competition is only possible thanks to our incredible sponsors.

The Rules

1) All entrants must be 19+

All core team members must be 19+ years of age. If you obtain parental consent, you can use actors under 19 years of age, but they will not be able to attend the screening. The Abbotsford Film Festival is a 19+ event.

2) Competition times + format

The competition begins Friday September 20th at 6pm. An email will be sent out to all registered teams containing the key components that need to be included in the 48 hour films. (This is to ensure films can not be made ahead of time). These components may include story elements, lines of dialogue, props etc.

The competition ends at 6pm Sunday September 22nd. All completed films + waivers (to be provided) must be sent via email or digital transfer to info@affest.ca by no later than 6pm. Films that miss the deadline will be ineligible for awards.

Films must be no longer than 5 minutes 30 seconds max. (5 minutes of film and 30 seconds of credits). Films must be made in the 48 hour window.

Selected completed films will screen at the closing night of the festival on October 5th.

3) Awards

To be eligible for awards and prizes, all teams must have a minimum of one team member at the screening on Saturday October 5th. There will be a minimum of six awards chosen by an external jury, these include:

- Best 48 Hour Film ($500 prize)
- Best Director
- Best Actor
- Best Actress
- Best Cinematography
- Best Editing

- Field House Award

There will also be an “Audience Choice” award with a $500 prize. This award will be voted by attendees after the screenings on Saturday October 5th. The winner will be announced at 9pm.

All cash prizes will be sent via e-transfer. (To Canadian banks only).

4) Tickets + Attendance

All registered teams are provided TWO TICKETS to the Saturday October 5th screening. This is included in the $35 team registration.

If additional team members or friends would like to come, please ensure they book their tickets. (We have sold out each year so booking ahead is recommended).

5) Creativity + Equipment

Like other 48 hour competitions, the Abbotsford Film Festival does not provide any cameras or tools. Filmmakers must use what is at their disposal. Borrow or use your own equipment to make the best films you can. The competition is a celebration of creativity in our community… so get creating!

6) Eligibility

48 Hour Films must NOT be shown or shared online before the official Saturday October 5th screening. If they are then they will be ineligible for awards + may not be screened.

7) Awards, Judges + Decision Makers

All technical awards, including Best 48 Hour Film, are judged by external industry professionals. The judges for the 5th edition will be announced soon.

The “Field House Award” is judged and decided upon by the team at our sponsor Field House.

All judges have no affiliation with the Abbotsford Film Festival to ensure impartiality.

The “Audience Choice Award” is voted for by all attendees on Saturday October 5th. The votes are handed in after the final film screens, then tallied up by the Abbotsford Film Festival team. The winner is announced after the first set during the live music performances.